this the oldest house in the village? It is believed that
this little corrugated iron cottage was purchased in Harrismith,
dismantled, transported and rebuilt in Kestell.

The Reverend John Daniel Kestell
town of Kestell is named after the Reverend JD Kestell.
Kestell was a descendant from 1820 settler stock, and was
born in Pietermaritzburg. After
completing his studies in Stellenbosch he took up several
posts until in 1893, he came to the Harrismith district.
Dr Kestell
was the minister of the N G Congregation at Harrismith. Kestell
was then part of his congregation. In 1905 it became an own
congregation. By 1900 the Boer War had started,
and Kestell served
with the Harrismith Commando as a chaplain for men
serving with the
various volunteer corps. Many were foreign nationals and their
own churches were discouraged from offering services to them
by their home governments' policies of neutrality and the
vigilance of the British who ensured that this prohibition
was not broken. Similarly, those Boers who changed sides
and joined the National Scouts also found themselves without
the support of their churches.
January 1900 JD Kestell again found himself in the middle
of a fierce battle during General Botha’s Spioenkop Campaign.
On the Sunday morning of 21st January, General Warren resumed
the attack on the Boers with heavy artillery support. Botha's
burghers were beginning to show signs of wavering as more
shells hit the entrenchments, killing and maiming many of
them. Kestell would later write about this day in his memoirs.
visited the battlefield when the bombardment was at its fiercest",
wrote Kestell. "I found that it had often been so intolerable
that the burghers were driven out of the earthworks and compelled
to seek shelter behind the hill slopes. But they had always
returned and kept up a continuous fire on the advancing soldiers.
The direction of affairs was, however, in the hands of General
Louis Botha, than whom there was no man better qualified to
encourage the burghers. Just as at Colenso, so here he rode
from position to position, and whenever burghers - as I have
related - were losing heart and on the point of giving way
under the awful bombardment, he would appear as if from nowhere
and contrive to get them back into the positions by 'gentle
persuasion', as he expressed it, or by other means."
By the 25th of January the British had abandoned
Spioenkop and 650 lay dead with many more wounded still lying
on the battlefield. The Boer casualties were 59 killed in
action, nine died of wounds and 134 wounded.”
At the Battle of
Wagon Hill in January 1900 Kestell found himself caught in
a running battle between the British and the Boers. The
opposing troops were only metres apart and casualties on both
sides were high. Kestell proved both his bravery and deep
faith by providing assistance to casualties from both sides
The Reverend JD Kestell
would be kept very busy seeing to the spiritual needs of the
months later the Groenkop Battle took place on the 24th and
25th December 1901 when General Christiaan de Wet led an attack
on General Rundle's Yeomanry.
The Groenkop Battle site is only 20 kms southeast of the village
of Kestell.
JD Kestell would become a well known author after the war
and wrote several books about his experiences during this
time – most notably “Through Shot and Flame” the English
translation of “Met die Boere-kommando’s”.
Kestell's influence on the history of South Africa extended
far beyond the little village of Kestell. In 1902 he
sailed with General Christian de Wet to Europe where they
were to raise funds for the widows and orphans that were left
impoverished by the war. During the long trip he helped
De Wet to write his memoirs of the war "De Strijd Tusschen
Boer en Brit". The book would become a best seller
and was translated into six languages. Kestell and De
Wet would be life long friends.
In 1919 he became the Chairman of a committee tasked with
the enormous job of translating the Bible into Afrikaans.
A year later he was appointed as the Rector of the
Grey Univeriteits Kollege University of the Orange
Free State. In 1927 he was granted Honorary membership
of the Suid Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns for
his outstanding services to the country, the Afrikaan language
and the Academy. Finally in 1933 after Dr JD du Toit
and Dr HCM Fourie had worked full time with him to finish
the translation, the Afrikaans Bible was completed.
He received his second award from the Academy in the same
year. By the late 1930's the Reverend Kestell had became
increasingly concerned by the plight of poor Afrikaners.
The after affects of the Boer War, the devastating Rinderpest
plague, and the 'inheritance' system that saw large farms
cut up into ever decreasing pieces had forced many to leave
their land and seek employment in the towns. In 1938
he founded the "Reddingsdaadbond" with the aim of
rehabilitating impoverished Afrikaners and promoting Afikaner
business enterprises. By the mid 1940's there were
over 400 branches and 700,000 members but it It quickly became
a politicised organization which was not what the Reverend
had intended.
Vader van die Volk" as he would come to be known passed
away on the 9th of February 1941 and was buried at the Vrouemonument
in Bloenfontein. His funeral service was held at the
"Tweetoringkerk" and he was laid to rest next to
President Steyn, General de Wet and the ashes of Emily Hobhouse.
In 2000 a stamp was issued in his honour

Kerk & Vrouemonument - photos by Ina Cochrane
Celebrates it's 110th Birthday in June 2015
The village of Kestell was founded in 1905 on the farms of
Mooifontein and Driekuil. A Mr. JFJ van Rensburg was the original
owner of the land. He had two daughters that married the brothers
Hans and Adriaan Bezuidenhout. When he passed away the land
was divided into two portions, one for each daughter.
The main street of Kestell is named after him. Some of the
homes in the village are even older and date back as far as

J.F.J. van Rensburg
Legum Family
and Jane Legum, Lithuanian Jewish immigrants, were the owners
of the Mont-aux-Sources Hotel (now the Kestell
Hotel) in Kestell, Free State, South Africa
during the early 1900’s. They had five children. The
eldest daughter Ettie, a son Abe, then Colin, another daughter
Doreen and then the youngest son Jackie, who sadly died when
he was about 13 years old. Louis passed away at a young
age, in the 1930s, and Jane continued to run the hotel for
a few years before moving to Johannesburg, and then on to
Bloemfontein where Ettie and Abe had also settled. She
finally settled in Israel where Doreen was living, and passed
away in the mid 1970s.

Louis & Jane Legum


Abe, photograped with his mother Jane
at the Kestell Hotel
(the wood panelling in the background is still in existence)
Legum was born in the hotel on 3 January 1919. He was
educated at Retief High School, and was an avid reader even
though he grew up in a home without books or newspapers. A
clever child, he performed well at school and was ranked seventh
in the country when he wrote his matric exams. As soon
as he finished school in 1934 he moved to Johannesburg where
he found a job as an “office boy” at the Sunday Express.
He was only fifteen, and by the time he turned nineteen he
was the newspaper’s political correspondent.
Legum had firm convictions formed by his youth in Kestell.
He felt concerned about the injustice of the treatment
of the local black population, and worried terribly about
the plight of poor white children in the community, who often
went barefoot even in the coldest of winter weather.
was a socialist but strongly anti-communist, a staunch Zionist
and defender of Israel. He soon entered politics and in 1942
was elected a member for the Labour Party on Johannesburg’s
City Council. In addition he served as the General Secretary
of the Labour Party, and became Chairman of the Special Housing
1941 he married Eugenie Maud Leon and they had one son, David,
who died in Israel in 1994. When
the National Party won the elections in 1948 and began to
conceive and introduce apartheid, Colin and Eugenie decided
to move to London. Here he would become a legendary Fleet
Street journalist with thirty years service as The Sunday
Observer’s Diplomatic & Commonwealth correspondent.
Eugenie died in 1953. In July 1960, Colin was remarried,
to the well-known South African economist Margaret
Jean Roberts in
London. They had three daughters.
1964, Colin and Margaret published South Africa: Crisis
for the West, an influential book arguing for sanctions
to bring down apartheid. He was prolific writer and was
author, co-author, or contributor of many books. His last
book, Africa since Independence (1999), was based
on lectures delivered at Indiana University. Other achievements
include convincing leading Africanists in 1968 to contribute
to the 23 volumes of the Africa Contemporary Record.
He also edited the Middle East Survey and from
1982, Third World Report.
and his wife had been banned from South Africa in 1962, but
with the ending of apartheid were able to return in 1990.
They settled in Kalk Bay, near Cape Town. Colin Legum
received honorary degrees from Rhodes University and the University
of South Africa.
2002, he started a development trust to provide scholarships
at Retief School and was particularly pleased that his old
school invited him back to preside over the annual prize giving
awards. He continued to work as journalist, author, and
visiting lecturer until his death from cancer at 84 years
old, in Cape Town on 8 June 2003. His wife Margaret died
in Cape Town in November 2007, after surgery for cancer. She
was survived by her three daughters, eight grandchildren and
two great-grandchildren.
N G Church - Kestell
Almost in the centre of the village, and definitely the largest
building in Kestell is
a magnificent church. The beautiful old church is situated
in a large park and can be seen from almost every corner of
the village. It is the second largest church in the
Orange Free State and seats 1,000 people (the largest sandstone
church is in Warden and can seat 1,750 people) It was
designed by Gerard Moerdijk. He is best known for his design
of the Voortrekker Monument situated just outside of Pretoria.
He designed over 80 churches, city halls, hospitals and several
banks (particularly the Reserve Bank in Bloemfontein) and
the Merensky Library at the University of Pretoria.
was the importance of this church that President Steyn and
his wife attended the opening of the "pastorie"
in Nomember 1907

Church celebrated its 85th birthday on the 31st March 2013.
The Church had opened its doors in the beautiful sandstone
building in 1928. Before that the services had been
held in a 'sink" (corrugated iron) shop. During
the Boer War Reverend JD Kestell had even been forced to hold
services in trenches!

of the Church at night
(photo by Colin Redmayne-Smith)
Retief Boekwinkel turned 76 in January 2015
Retief Boekwinkel turned 76 years old in January 2015. It
first opened its doors to sell school books in 1939 and was
managed by Mrs Rita Ramage. Her son, Johan Ramage remained
involved with the school until his death in 2018. A
well known ecentric in the town, he knew the history of every
building and local family and was often visited by people
wanting to find out more about their ancestors. Sadly he was
murdered in his shop one hight, it is believed for just a
handful of old coins.

Hoerskool 110 Jaar Oud
Hoerskool Retief in Kestell is op 12 June 110 jaar 'jonk'.
Die skool se verhaal begin in 1838 by die fontein net buite
die dorp met sy helder water, en met Piet Retief en sy geselskap
wat saam met hom getrek het.
hulle aankoms by die fontein het hulle die eerste keer die
Blouberg gesien wat soos 'n Duiwelstand en 'n draak le. Die
berg word Drakensberg genoem. Hulle het die fontein Blydskap
genoem. Retief het daar 'n akkerboom geplant wat 'n groot
rol in die skool se geskiedenis speel. Dons de Lange het die
kinders uit die Bybel and uit "Trap de Jeug" geleer.
Dit was die begin van onderwys on die omgewing.

massive old oak tree where both Church Services and School
lessons were given
was planted on the farm Blydskap by Mr Adriaan Oliver. The
tree no longer exists. After being struck by lightning the
remains were cut down.
die stigters van Kestell die transaksie vir die verkoop van
erwe op 12 Julie 1905 afgehandel het, is besluit dat 'n skool
geopen moet word. 'n Mev Allen het begin skool hou en teen
Januarie 1906 was die goewermentskool amptelik in volle gang.
In 1938 is die skool se naam verander na die Hoerskool Piet
Retief maat kort daarna het Piet uit die skool se naam verdwyn.
Die skool se leuse "Oowin jouself en wen" het uit
die gemeenskap se swaarkry onstaan. Gedurende die Boere Oorlog,
die Groot Griep en weer met die Groot Droogte het baie mense
alles verloor en so het hulle geleer dat niks hulle sal onderkry
2015 the local high school was renamed Hoerskool Retief; it
had previously been called “Die Goewernmentskool” as was
the case with most schools in little towns throughout the
country – they were simply known as "the Government
Hotel - over 110 years old and with a chequered past
the 12th June 1905 the erf on which the Kestell Hotel stands
was proclaimed, and was purchased for £63. Although
no accurate records exist it is believed that the original
building was completed about 2 - 3 years later. This
amusing story by Johan Ramage (local historian and owner of
the Retief Boekwinkel) tells how on the very first night
that the hotel opened it was reduced from a double story building
to a single story!

bring Skade ...
Die dubbelverdieping hotel was net klaar gebou
in Kestell en 'n groot inwydingsfees is gereel. Gaste was
genooi ... al die kamers was vol bespeak ... behalwe die solderkamer
waar die linne en ekstra beddens geberg was.
Die eregas was die Goewerneur van die Vrystaat.
Almal sou 'n vyf ster ete aangebied word. Hoender pastei
en vrugte poeding was daar, en natuurlik het die voggies gevloei.
Oom Abraham, wat besondere groot voete gehad het, was een
van die gaste wat nie sou oorslaap nie. Hy kon die elmboog
goed lig en toe die aand vir hom begin dooierig word het hy
begin aksie soek! Die aksie was wel daar in die vorm van
Mooi Bettie die dogter van 'n naburige dorp se burgermeester.
Gou het hulle mekaar se geselskap geniet, en omdat die voggies
al begin praat het, het die twee kort voor lank besluit om
die saak verder te voer.
Met 'n parafien lamp is die twee solderkamer
toe. Gou het die klere gewaai. In die geesdrif van die
oomblik het Oom Abraham se nommer twaalf voet ongesiens die
lamp omgestamp. Toe die twee asem skep was die solder al
goed aan die brand . Die vlamme het gou na die boonste verdieping
versprei terwyl die partytjie nog goed op dreef was op die
grondvloer. Tyd vir klere gryp was daar nie en die paartjie
is poedelnakend by die hotel uit en die straat af!
So het die hotel se boonste verdieping daardie
aand afgebrand en dit is nooit weer herbou nie.
on the Hill

his little 'kingdom' on the hill, Japhta surveys the vista
of Tholong and Kestell below him. Everything he has built,
and everything he owns, including a very large tabby cat and
a woundrous collection of cactus plants, has come from the
old old rubbish dump. His only income is from the plastic
bottles and recyclable materials he sells to "a man that
comes from the town". The old dumping site is closed
now and new site was established further down the hill. He
keeps a beady eye on the comings and goings so that he can
quickly get there to snap up anything usable for his construction
projects. When you ask him, he says "life is good"
and his only reall worry is the lack of water. In the current
drought conditions, the rain water he stores in his tanks
does not last the complete dry season. Thankfully "good
people from the town" bring him containers of water from
time to time. So if you planning a drive up the mountain or
a visit to the old site, please think of Japhta and Kat and
take along some water and a bit of cat food.

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